CBS 8 San Diego had Scott H. Silverman to discuss how over 100,000 people died of opioid overdoses last year, and over 70% of those were fentanyl related. Scott reminded the host that those are just the fatal overdoses, there are 5-10 times as many overdoses that don’t result in death.
Scott shares that he has been sober for over 38 years and jokes that he was the “unlicensed pharmacist” who finally got help.
With regard to the danger San Diegans face, Scott discussed how the pills are easy to get hold of as they are manufactured illegally across the border and overseas and targeted towards Americans, who are a very pill oriented society. There’s also xylazine being mixed into the drugs lately, known as “tranq,” which is even more deadly than fentanyl, and doesn’t respond to overdose-reversal sprays like Narcan.
“What do we do to stop this?” the host asked Scott. We have to share awareness and take matters into her own hands, we can’t wait for the federal or state government to help us
Scott wrote The Opioid Epidemic, and is the CEO of San Diego outpatient program Confidential Recovery.
If you or someone you love is struggling with trauma or an SUD, call me directly at 619-993-2738 and I will see if I can help. Watch the entire segment here: