Scott H Silverman’s Happy Hour recently featured an episode with Summer Stephan, San Diego County’s District Attorney.
Summer Stephan has devoted her life to protecting children and families, providing justice to the most vulnerable, and is a national leader in the fight against human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Summer is focused on advancing public safety through fair and equal justice, bringing solutions to complex issues with a unique data-driven, commonsense approach that works to address the root causes of certain crimes driven by mental illness and addiction.
Combined with Scott’s expertise about the state of addiction in this country, the interview provides a fascinating glimpse into the issues that are affecting San Diegans (and all Americans).
Watch the full episode here: Summer Stephan on Scott Silverman’s Happy Hour.
And don’t forget, if your situation with a loved one, spouse, or child has started to spiral, call me at 619-993-2738. Scott is the Founder and CEO of Confidential Recovery, an outpatient addiction treatment program in San Diego.
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